What is this site

Hi there. I’m Fábio Fortkamp, a Professor of Mechanical Engineering from Brazil. This is my academic website, where I post explorations in Thermal Engineering, R, Python, and Mechanical Engineering in general.

This site is my attempt to more properly show my work. As I study, prepare for lectures, and develop my research, I will try to post my discoveries here. In particular, at least in this stage, I will focus on solving problems on Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Heat Engines, Refrigeration Systems using computational tools. Python and R are the main tools I use; my mission is to make the next generation of Engineers more apt to solve real-life problems with data science and programming concepts. More exploration, and less memorization.

If you are primarily interested in the theoretical concepts, you might enjoy my public collection of notes here. There you will find prose, and here primarily code. I will link between both sites when appropriate.

Thanks in advance for reading.

Fábio P. Fortkamp
Fábio P. Fortkamp
Research Engineer

I’m a Research Engineer in the fields of Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Refrigeration.

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